Goddess devotion with Sally Kempton

The Goddess Empowerment: Awakening your own Power, Love, and Creativity through the Sacred Feminine Archetypes

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Telecourse information

We encourage all participants to download material for their future use. To download audios via your browser, right-click, option-click, or control-click (it depends on your browser) on the download link, and then you’ll see a pop-up contextual menu. Depending on your browser, the menu may say, “Save Target as”, “Save Link as”, or even “Download link”. Just remember where you save the file. After downloading you can transfer to iTunes or whatever program you are using to listen to mp3s.

If you have technological trouble, contact Sally’s assistant, Debbie, at sallykempton.com/contact .

All participants upon purchasing/signing up for live classes and/or entering the private student telecourse area understand:

  • They are responsible for any long-distance rates when calling into class.
  • The materials received during the course are copyrighted by law and they shall not be given away, sold, or shared with others without express permission from Sally Kempton or her designate.
  • They are giving consent to audio recording, and its release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for webcasts, promotional purposes, advertising, inclusion on web sites, publication, sale, or any other purpose by Sally Kempton and/or her representatives. Teleclass participants release Sally Kempton and each and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication of sound recordings. As a teleclass participant, any and all rights are waived to any claims for payments or royalties in connection with any exhibition, streaming, webcasting, or other publication or sale of these materials. Participants also waive the right to inspect or approve any audio recordings.
  • Their last name will never be shared on calls (unless the individual shares it) to protect participants anonymity and confidentiality.
  • They will receive recordings of the classes and must honor confidentiality and copyrights of all material. Please do not share class recordings with anyone and know that you may have access to the recordings, but they are the property of Sally Kempton and you are not allowed to sale, distribute, or use them for promotional or advertising reasons without Sally Kempton’s expressed permission.

Click here to find the answers to FAQ about Telecourses with Sally.

Click here to see all Sally’s other Telecourses.