The Splendid Path, Part II—Unfolding the Path of Self-Realization through the Shiva Sutras


This course is the second in Sallly’s series on the Shiva Sutras. (The Splendid Path, Part I). In this six-week teleconference immersion, deepen and expand your study and practice with one of the most important texts of the non-dual tantric tradition. In Part I, we looked at the teachings on pure Awareness from Book I and the teachings on enlivened mantra from Book II. In this second class, plunge into some of the complex yogic practices of Book III that tantric yogis discovered: practices meant to dissolve the knots in your consciousness and end the experience of separation from your divine source. This class will unpack some of the truly esoteric practices of the tantras, and unfolds the path to enlightenment designed for individuals, starting exactly where you are.

The course includes six 2-hour lectures in mp3 format, one Q&A session in mp3 format, guided meditation, and weekly guidance for personal practice.

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