The Goddess Empowerment: Awakening Your Own Power, Love, and Creativity through the Sacred Feminine Archetypes


How well do you know your own sacred feminine energies?

How easy is it for you to find the Goddess in your own body?

Can you feel mothered by the universe?

Are you able to draw on the deep reserve of strength and wisdom that Goddess holds out to you at every moment?

Can you feel the shiver of her ecstasy, the shimmer of her light, her radical power to hold you steady in disappointment and teach you even through suffering?

Though there are many ways to connect to the feminine, one of the most powerful is through the sacred forms of the ancient Goddesses of the ancient world. In this class, we’ll explore the strength of Durga, the radical healing power of Isis, the divine creative spaciousness of Bhuvaneshwari, the intensity of Kali and Chinnamasta. We’ll experience Goddess as an inner energy that works through your personality and your emotions, and we’ll invoke Goddess as a protector, muse, lover and as the cosmic source of light and life.

This class offers a powerful transmission of sacred Goddess energies, as well as insights that can change your own sense of who you are.

Topics Include:

  • Why power is sourced from the inner feminine
  • The faces of the Goddess and your own inner truth
  • How to invoke Goddess through ritual, meditation, and mantra
  • Flowing with the compassion of the dark Goddesses
  • The Goddess and your creativity

The telecourse includes six two-hour teleconference sessions available as mp3 audio files, homework as pdf files, and excerpts from Sally’s book, Awakening Shakti.