Energies of Transformation


Explore some of the radically transformative aspects of the divine feminine, and work with images and stories of some of the Hindu goddesses to unlock hidden aspects of our own feminine nature. Among the goddesses we’ll explore are Bhairavi, Chinnamasta, Sita, Tara, and PrajnaParamita.

The divine feminine is the source of energy and power, both in the universe and in the human psyche. She can be wild as well as nurturing, destructive as well as ultimately creative. As we learn to recognize and invoke her powers, we free ourselves to discover aspects of ourselves that are the source of our richest gifts. And we discover a profound source of the grace that can transform our psyche, our relationships, and our life.

You’ll learn:

  • How the archetypes of the sweet and terrible feminine can come together to help you integrate your own psyche
  • How to discover which goddess archetype to call on in different circumstances
  • What it means (and what it takes!) to live in communion with the divine feminine
  • Invoking, contemplating, and inhabiting goddess energies in meditation and problem-solving.

The course includes three 90-minute lectures in mp3 format, guided meditation, and weekly guidance for personal practice.